Peter J. Watkinson

VOTE for Martha Coakley!

In Politics on January 18, 2010 at 11:50 am

It is very important that you go to the polls tomorrow and cast your vote for Democratic Attorney General Martha Coakley to become our next U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. In fact, it is very important that you also encourage others to do the same in this critical election. In addition to her support for the healthy shifts occurring in Washington, there is no comparison between Martha Coakley’s dedication to the repowering of America and Scott Brown’s support for business as usual on energy and environment issues.

Coakley’s actual record and her comprehensive plan for Clean Energy, including energy efficiency and renewable energy, are well documented in her white paper “Repowering America: A Comprehensive Energy Reform Plan”.

Martha Coakley supports our national cap and trade bill while Scott Brown opposes it. Her support for the Cape Wind wind farm project and his opposition to it is another example of the different choices they would begin to make almost immediately if elected.

Please get out the vote for Martha Coakley tomorrow in the special election for U.S. Senator from Massachusetts. She is dedicated to our Clean Energy future. It is only with your vote and support that we will take another critical step forward to realize that future.

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