Peter J. Watkinson

“America’s Leadership in Clean Energy”

In Government on October 30, 2009 at 12:45 pm

If my earlier post entitled “Economic Prosperity” highlighted economic prosperity and climate change in President Obama’s two clean energy public addresses then this one brings visibility to his commitment to research leadership. Last Friday, I had the honor of attending President Obama’s address entitled “America’s Leadership in Clean Energy” as part of the White House Press Pool at MIT’s Kresge Auditorium.

As I walked along Vassar Street looking for the media entrance, I moved toward a cordoned off area and was immediately stopped by security and told to turn around. The President toured MIT’s research labs and I expect that this area was a research lab perimeter. Security was focused and almost rude to stay so.

MIT President Susan Hockfield and Professor Ernest Moniz introduced the President. President Hockfield stated “we share President Obama’s view that clean energy is the defining challenge of this era.”

President Obama is cool, very funny, extremely smart and a great communicator. After being introduced, he walked gracefully across the stage toward the podium like a basketball superstar in his best street clothes. If the room needed to be warmed up further, he did so with “I will probably be here for a while. I understand a bunch of engineering students put my motorcade on top of building 10” and “This tells you something about MIT … everybody hands out periodic tables … what’s up with that?” as he held one up in his hand.

Please watch his address entitled “America’s Leadership in Clean Energy” from the MIT Libraries.

I believe President Obama is uniquely qualified to lead us through a handful of transformations including Clean Energy. As he points out, “The truth is we have always been about innovation. We have always been about discovery. That’s in our DNA.” I am convinced that as long as President Obama is leading America, America will lead in Clean Energy. Let’s harness and embrace “America’s Leadership”.

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